Replication Cycle

Something about replication cycle of viruses.
What is replication cycle?
How does it work?
Is it the same between the DNA viruses and RNA viruses?
What is difference between these two replication process?
There are lots of questions and also anwsers!
Let's find out together!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Viral Infection and Central Dogma

One of the most important steps for viruses to infect us is through replicating million copies of themselves,using our cell's mechanisms.In short,they actually interrupted the theory used by many multi-cell organisms known as the Central Dogma.

The Central Dogma refers to a series of processes to make proteins.Proteins are important for our daily biological processes that makes us survive.The two main processes are transcription and translation which converts DNA into RNA and formation of polypetides respectively.

Let's check out a video made by the Japanese researchers to explain the Central Dogma in a creative way.

However,the viruses that are classified under the Baltimore's classification differs from the Central Dogma. In reality,the viruses diverse in all shapes and sizes. This is also similar for their genome.

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